Just a Spam

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If this is the ending of our friendship, what can I do...? It's so GRIEVOUS...very grievous.
Just caused trivial problems may be, but the effect is so BIG. A big Effect. And it's me sad. So, sad. Very-very sad. Really-really sad.

Do you know, how deep my love for you?
You're one of my best friend.
But, if you think, this must be ended, what can I do? Nothing.
Just cry, may be...

Having a close friendship is a traumatic experiance for me now, after the first event when I was Junior High School. And now, it's repeated again.
But, leting alone.
It might make a caution for me, in order to have a friendster so closely.


If it's better, please leave me. Please leave me and forget all about our moment.
May Allah bless you...
And, I always love you, forever altough you will not love me again.

Let's Prevent Antibiotic Resistance by Our Self

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Antibiotics are drug used for treating infection caused by bacteria. Should to Remember, ANTIBIOTICS are used ONLY for BACTERIA INFECTION. Do not used it for VIRAL Infections! Most of these case are used antibiotics for treating viruses infection such as cough, influenza fever, strep throat, colds. Hemm... it's a misuse of antibiotics. Ehh, no, it's not! It's the overuse of antibiotics. Misuse of these drugs such as stop the treatment when patients feel better. Using antibiotics against viral infections will not cure the infection, will not keep other individuals from catching the virus, will not help a person feel better, may cause unnecessary harmful side effects and may contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Misuse and overuse of these drugs, however, have contributed to a phenomenon known as antibiotic resistance. This resistance develops when potentially harmful bacteria change in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Antibiotic resistance is a growing public health concern worldwide. When a person is infected with an antibiotic resistant bacterium, not only is treatment of that patient more difficult, but the antibiotic-resistant bacterium may spread to other people. When antibiotics don’t work, the result can be longer illnesses, more complicated illnesses, more doctor visits, the use of stronger and more expensive drugs and more deaths caused by bacterial infections. How Dangerous it is!
When we are prescribed an antibiotic to treat a bacterial infection, it’s important to take the medication exactly as directed. So, what sould we do?????
Hemm,,, based on FDA information, I will share what should we do to perevent dan combate the ANTIBIOTICS RESISTANCE. . .
Please, follow this direction, Siiipppp??!

  • Complete the full course of the drug. It’s important to take all of the medication, even if we are feeling better. If treatment stops too soon, the drug may not kill all the bacteria. We may become sick again, and the remaining bacteria may become resistant to the antibiotic that we’ve taken.
  • Do not skip doses. Antibiotics are most effective when they are taken regularly.
  • Do not save antibiotics. We might think that we can save an antibiotic for the next time we get sick, but an antibiotic is meant for our particular infection at the time. Never take leftover medicine. Taking the wrong medicine can delay getting the appropriate treatment and may allow our condition to worsen.
  • Do not take antibiotics prescribed for someone else. These may not be appropriate for our illness, may delay correct treatment, and may allow our condition to worsen.
  • Talk with our health care professional. Ask questions, especially if we are uncertain about when an antibiotic is appropriate or how to take it. Hemm, for these case, we can ask the PHARMACIST about direction of using antibiotics. 

Okeeeh?? Siiippp... Let's Cambate and Prevent ANTIBIOTICS RESISTANCE. Not only for doctor and pharmacits, but it's our responsibility. For everyone, not only medical people.

Resistance of Hopefulness

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I should not hope!
Ya, hopefulness just make me sick, make me down, make me fall...
I don't wanna make a hopefulness...more....

If I Can Read...

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If I can read the pharmacist text book, journal and article (of course were written in English) like a novel, short story and read a text book in the English language fluently and easily, I guess, I could understand the Clinical pharmacy more rapid than now. But it's my weakness. It's so heavy for me. Huwaaaaa....

Well, trully I can understand the Journal or text book Globally without dictionary, because the vocabularies in the journal and taxt book was familiar and often repeated in many journal. But, I cannot speak and read (it's mean the pronounciation!). I'm not convident if have to speak in English. Hwaaa...

But I must try!
If I guess I can, I WILL CAN DO ANYTING!

okeehhh, keep moving forward, Fathel!


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There are many grammatical error in this, I guess. But I don't care. I just wanna write what I feel, without scare about the grammer. Hoho....

Look into the lake, make me feel so strange nowaday. I don't know, why my mood altered since this morning. The loss of interesnt to anything and I don't wanna do everything. Just sit here, look into the lake beside MUI...
It's saturated. So, saturated. But I don't know what the cause. Is that "Lossness" may be?! Hoho, it perhaps being the cause of the mood altered now....
Fiuufff.... Masya Allah....

If I think "I can!"...

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It's so difficult for me to write something in English... Hwaaa...
Fightiiiing, Fathel....

I have to manage my self...
Renew my planning....
And Do the best!

I have to review ROTD, SPOP, and Mulecular Farmacology, and also harmacotherapy...
siiipppp Fathellll


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After figth hardly, finally I'm collapse. I rarely got fever . But nowaday--since yesterday--I'm sick and got the fever. How poor. Whereas, I had to present my presentation in two lesson. Pharmacotherapy and Molecular Farmacology. I coldn't be concentration to face the presentation and to answer the quistion from lectur dan other student. Masya Allah. They might repeate the question to made me understand about the problem. I also difficult to concentrate. Whereas, I usually prepare the presentation well. And also, study all about something arround and was linked. But, both of the presentation, I couldn't handdle well. Hooww.... Masya Allah...

But, it's never mind...
The Sickness can abolish the sins, but patience is required.
So, I must be patient...and never grumble...

I must take a rest, then study again. Learn what I don't know about...

Sometime, we need Sickness to rest our body, right? Hihihi.... :D

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